Posters at DRC 2022

We have several posters at DRC 2022!

In person:

Reserach technician Pamela Diaz, poster 507B: In vitro identification of critical cis elements in the embryonic Drosophila histone locus


Grad student Lauren Hodkinson, poster 517V: Determinants of transcription factor function

Grad student Tommy O’Haren, poster 478C: Developmental regulation of histone genes by pioneer factor Zelda

Undergrad student Eric Albanese, poster 521V: It's *abo*ut time: an investigation into the role of abnormal oocyte (abo) in embryonic histone gene regulation

Undergrad student Greg Kimmerer, poster 477B: Initiating and Maintaining the Histone Locus Body: Two Sides of the Same Coin?

Eric and edgar awarded summer fellowships

Eric and Edgar were awarded Emory Summer Undergraduate Reserach Experience (SURE) fellowships for their upcoming summer research! Congrats Eric and Edgar!

Welcome: Eric and Edgar

We welcome two new Emory undergraduate students, Eric and Egar, to our group. Can’t wait to see what they can do!

Hiring: Postdoc!

The lab is searching for a postdoc! If interested, please send CV to leila.rieder[at]emory[dot]edu and explain in your email why you’d like to join us!

Grants submitted!

Tommy submitted an F31 to NICHD!

Casey submitted an F32 to NIGMS!

Good luck, Tommy and Casey!

Tommy (T32) and Casey (K12) grant news!

Tommy will soon be supported on the prestigious GMB graduate program T32 grant!
Casey will soon be supported by the fantastic IRACDA K12 grant!
Congratulations, Tommy and Casey!

Farewell Skye!

Skye has left us to take a Visiting Assistant Professor at Emory - Oxford College. We will miss her!

Congratulations, Skye!

Traveling Insect Petting Zoo!

Gwyn has curated an “Insect Petting Zoo!” It includes live baby mantids, friendly bess beetles, and other species, as well as beautiful pinned specimens from around the world and educational materials. We deployed our zoo at the East Atlanta Kids Club and had a fantastic time! Most of the kids were happy to eat cricket bites and cricket lollipops. We can’t wait to return.

See the people page for pictures of the event!