Welcome aboard, Tod!

Our lab got a little brighter with the permanent addition of Tod, a first year GMB PhD student. We’re so happy to have you, Tod!

Good luck, Lauren!

We are so proud of Lauren, the first PhD out of the lab, who recently started her postdoc with Dr. Erica Larschan at Brown University!

Welcome Tod!

Tod, a first year student in the Emory GMB PhD program, joins us for his third rotation. We are excited to have you, Tod!

Eric awarded Highest Honors and... farewell!

Eric is graduating this semester! After 3 years of reserach, it’s no surprise he defended an impressive thesis as published author (x2!) and was awarded Highest Honors!

Welcome Isabella!

Bon chance to Mackenzie and Rebecca, who are rotating to new labs. Welcome to Isabella, GMB PhD student who joins us for rotation 2!

Welcome Katy!

We are excited to welcome Katy Koreski who joins us after a postdoc at St. Jude’s!

Bon chance, Annalise and Connor!

We bid farewell to our labbies, undergraduate researcher Annalise, who graduated from Emory, and postbac technician Connor, who joins the Emory GMB PhD program. We will miss you!

Welcome to Rebecca and Mackenzie!

Rebecca and Mackenzie are part of the Genetics and Molecular Biology PhD program— they are rotating with us to get a feel for our reserach and lab culture. Welcome!

Welcome, Shilpi!

The lab is excited to welcome Shilpi Verghese! Shilpi is a fly AND cat lover and recently moved back to Atlanta. We can’t wait to work with you, Shilpi!

Bon voyage, Casey and Amirah!

We bid farewell to postdoc Casey Schmidt, who is starting her own lab at Lafayette University, and lab manager Amirah Hurst. We will miss you!

Lauren and Annalise gradaute

Lauren celebrated her PhD hood on Friday 5/10, while Annalise received her BS in Neuroscience and Behavioral Biology on Monday 5/13. Congrats!

Congratulations to Eric!

Eric won the Emory Biology Department Pat Marstellar Award in honor of his impressive undergraduate research. Congratulations, Eric!

Congrats to Connor and Hannah! NSF GRFP

Congrats to Connor, who will attend the Emory GMB PhD program in the fall, and lab alum Hannah who is currently a first year PhD student in the Emory/GATech Biomedical Engineering program in Dr. David Myer’s lab! Both were awarded NSF GRFPs!

Dr. Lauren Hodkinson, PhD!

Congratulations to Lauren who successfully defended her PhD thesis on March 22. What a day it was!